Why is everyone talking about Kadaknath Chicken?

black chicken chicken kadaknath

Kadaknath, also called Kali Masi  is an Indian breed of chicken .They originated from  Dhar and Jhabuwa, Madhya Pradesh. The Kadaknath is popular for its adaptability and its grey-black meat, which is believed to infuse vigor Its color is caused by melanin. A Kadaknath takes nearly thrice the time to attain half the bodyweight of a broiler chicken. Kadaknath lives till the age of 12 years gain a maximum of around 2kg body weight only. Cost of rearing a KADAKNATH is nearly four times higher than that of a regular broiler chicken. Several researches have revealed that instead of white coloured chicken, the amount of cholesterol in black meat chicken is very less, and the level of amino acids is high. It is much tastier than native chicken. The flesh, blood, beak, eggs, tongue, and body, all are black in color, and contains high amount of protein. And fat content is very low. Many more reasons to be expensive and healthy.

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